Monday, March 3, 2008

Do it yourself Crotchless Panties

Step 1: Locate a sexy pair of panties. These are the sexiest I have, thanks to that great sale at Target last week.

Step 2: Locate your scissors. If you're like me, you'll find them in the bathroom since you trimmed up the bikini line last night. Go ahead and wipe them off, I'll wait.

Step 3: Okay, ready? Good. Fold the crotch area of your panties length-ways, like I did below. Cut out the fold with your scissors. You may even cut pretty shapes if you're feeling creative. It doesn't matter, just so long as you cut out the part of the crotch that is folded.

The end result: If you did it right, this is what they should look like. If you didn't do it right, you might want to ask a friend. You can't keep ruining good pairs of panties. These are awesome, and could get me an additional $5 for upping the sexy level. So, I'll put out, save money and make money. Win, win, win.


Jeremy QA Gibbens said...

Can you pre-stain them, too?

Rocky Routeone said...

Jeremy Q, you look pretty hot. I'd pre-stain them just for you, but it'll cost you extra for the prep work.

Jeremy QA Gibbens said...

Can I pre-stain them instead? Oops! Too late. I already did.

Anonymous said...

Girl, you giving away all our good secrets! Good thing them other whores down the block can't read or nothing.