Sunday, October 26, 2008

Affordable Lingerie. Finally!

I don't think I need to tell you that the economy blows right now! Things are bad, you know? Business is real bad for bankers and when business is bad for bankers, business is bad for me. I've had to employ tactics that even we never thought we'd have to use. 

So, when I was leaving Penny's house after one of our patented tag teams recently, I was thrilled to discover a purple, satin negligee lying in the middle of the road. Someone's morning walk of shame must have been particularly shameful. Well, her shame is my reward! I scooped that baby up and tossed it in ol' Datsun and away I went. Now I have another beauty to add to my collection. Hopefully it'll help me snag a new client!

What levels have you had to stoop to lately to make ends (or fronts) meet?

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